Sunday, March 28, 2010

Winnie the Poo?

So, yesterday morning I was making breakfast as usual. Pancakes, my girls favorites. While I was mixing I could hear the My Friends Tigger and Pooh theme song and abunch of groans from my girls. "My friends Tigger and Pooh..." "Groan"... I decided I better go in the living room to see what was going on. Sarah proceeded to ask me "Why is he named Poo? Poo is a horrible name." Sarah learned horrible from her big sister. That was the reason for the groaning. Too funny. Sarah does have a point though. Pooh is a terrible name for a bear or is it a type of bear? And who's ever heard of a Pooh bear? I have heard of brown, grizzly, polar but no Pooh bear. Anyways, I found this to be quite funny and typical in our house hold where every natural body function is either talked about, giggled at, produced naturally or reproduced artifically. This little ditty of a story once again confirms to me how wonderful my girls are. And funny too!

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