Friday, May 28, 2010

So I heard that Gary Coleman, Arnold from Different Strokes, died. I remember I used to watch that show. I liked it. I liked the "What choo talkin about Willis?" line. It was funny. His passing is sad especially when you know about all the trouble he had after the show with his family, finances, health and staying out of trouble.
It is bothersome to me that within the past year so many entertainers from my childhood have passed away. Farrah Fawcett, John Hughes, Corey Haim, Michael Jackson. Each one of these people were part of my life growing up. Farrah Fawcett... I loved watching re-runs of Charlie's Angel. It was great to see beautiful, smart and tough women on t.v. John Hughes... His movies defined my adolescence. I still absolutely love 16 Candles and The Breakfast Club and Vacation is quite possibly one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Corey Haim... I wasn't into the Coreys. I think I was a bit too old when they made it big. But, I did like The Lost Boys. Nonetheless his passing was sad. Michael Jackson... during the 80's I liked his music but I appreciate it more now than I did then. I was too busy wearing black and listening to Depeche Mode and The Cure to realize how good his music really was. He's another one whose life was filled with trouble and controversary.
All of this is disturbing me. They were part of my life growing up... they were too young to die. I feel that with their passing so soon... I have loss some of my youth. What a shame that such talented people were taken so soon.

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