Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Love of Reading

I went to Eileen's classroom to read a book for "Love of Reading" month. I chose the book "MMM Cookies" by Robert Munsch. Eileen loves this book. She laughs so hard. Her laughter comes from her gut. It makes me smile everytime I hear her laugh. I admit I selfishly chose this book to hear her laugh. I figured the other students would like it too! It's just a funny kid book.
Robert Munsch books are great, silly books. A must for kids in the early elementary grades. It is hard to pick a favorite... For parents of girls there's a great "princess" story called "The Paperbag Princess". Anyways, I could tell Eileen was happy I came. She gave me that shy smirk she gets when she is happy about things. It is amazing how such a simple thing can make somone so happy. Take care!

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