Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Warning: Random Post to Follow

I do not like to eat meat off the bone. I hate the feeling of grease, BBQ sauce etc. being rubbed all over my face as I gnaw like an animal for a little piece of meat. Now I like a barbeque as much as anyone. I like grilled burgers, hotdogs and chicken but please give me a fork and knife for the chicken.

This all started back in college when and friend and I went to an Arizona Cardinals game. This was my first and up to now only Cardinals game. We were enjoying our refreshing cold beer, hotdogs and cheering on our home team when I happened to turn around. Behind me was a man, cave man like as I recall. He had scraggly long salt and pepper hair dangling in his face and wore a tight white t-shirt over his gut. Just at the time I turned around I saw him eat from his turkey leg. I think it was turkey. It was a type of bird, I know that for sure. He gnawed on that thing like a tiger devouring its prey. It was so National Geographic. All the while grease was all over his face and dribbling down to his shirt. It was horrific! So, ever since that eventful day, I have been unable to eat meat with my mouth off of a bone. I have terrible flashbacks of the Arizona Cardinals game and the caveman.


Chinny and Poom said...

You just reminded me how much I used to love watching Captain Cave Man.
I love BBQ...I promise I will never eat it around you. :)

Aubrey said...

that's hilarious ashley!!!