Monday, March 15, 2010

Memory Mondays

I am going to start a new weekly topic called "Memory Mondays". During these blogs I will share my experiences that have made an impact in my life. Things that have happened that I will never forget whether it be good, bad, funny or ugly. I hope you enjoy my weekly (hopefully) jaunt down memory lane!

"Pat and Bill"

I started my path towards childhood deliquency when I was 6 and in 1st grade. One day my wonderful first grade teacher, Mrs. Birdsong sent me home with a note for my parents to read and sign. Let me digress for a moment... is Mrs. Birdsong not the best name for an elementary school teacher? I have visions of Snow White prancing in the forest with "bluebirds on her shoulder" and Bambi and Thumper at her heels. She was a great teacher. I remember her having a "Reading Loft" in her room. If you were good, finished your work you could climb up to the loft.

Ok, back to the letter home. I knew the letter was an account of my not so good day. Right now I can not remember what I did to deserve a letter home. It probably had something to do with talking to much, not listening or completing my work. I was never too bad of a kid so I know it wasn't something crazy like hitting or throwing a chair. I knew that I could NOT show my parents the note... I'd be sent to my room or grounded from something. So in my best 1st grade manuscript handwriting I signed the note for my parents. "Pat and Bill" is what I wrote. I thought for sure this would work.

The next day I handed the note to Mrs. Birdsong. She was smart.;) She knew I had signed it. Needless to say, I got in more trouble when Mrs. Birdsong phoned my parents that afternoon.

A funny aside to this is, I tired to sign my parents names for something else, but this time I was smarter and made squiggly lines like cursive. I was caught again. I gave up after that.

1 comment:

Chinny and Poom said...

So funny!!! I would have never pegged you as an early forger. :) My friends kid signed a letter "from jonah's mommy" :)
Mrs. Birdsong?! Wowzie. A PERFECT grade school Teacher.